What is this in React js

React Js is the most popular and famous library in the field of web development. It is used by very big companies, such as Netflix, Instagram, Airbnb, etc.

What is this in React js

React Js is the most popular and famous library in the field of web development. It is used by very big companies, such as Netflix, Instagram, Airbnb, etc.

React Js comes with a lot of features, that's why it is used more than others like some frameworks, AngularJS, etc.

React js is a JavaScript library designed for web applications and mobile apps with fast and interactive UI. Let us now know complete information about react js.

React JS is an open-source, front-end JavaScript library from which UI interfaces are created.

It is a declarative, efficient, and flexible Javascript library using which reusable UI components are created.

As I mentioned earlier, it is an open-source, component-based frontend library using which the view layer of the application is created.

It was created by Facebook and is managed by Facebook itself and it is also used to make other Facebook products such as Instagram and WhatsApp.

Using React js, the user interface is broken down into smaller components, which are very easy to handle.

Use of React

The main task of ReactJs is to create a user interface that is quick and increases the speed of the app. It uses virtual DOM, due to which the performance of the app created by it is very good.

JavaScript virtual DOM is much faster than regular DOM.

Let us know the use of React js and why it is used.

  • Complex applications are developed very easily and quickly using React Js.
  • React Js uses virtual DOM, due to which the application becomes faster and its performance improves.
  • Reusable components can be made using React Js, which saves time.
  • React JS is very easy to learn.
  • Along with the web, mobile apps can also be created using React.
  • In this, the code can be debugged very easily.

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